Misty Gothic Night

Friends. Enemies. Welcome to my home.

Whether you stumbled here by accident, or made a willful error in dropping by, I’m a little too excited to see you.

Nothing sinister. I just have no chill.

Scroll down to the “About the Author” section to read… you know… about the author. Otherwise known as me. Hello.

What’s in the tin?

Home.” As my home, it’s haunted, baroque, and says ~things~ about me. Mostly it says I like Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein,” thunderstorms, and a certain ~aesthetic~.

Articles.” A series of blogs, limited in number, that analyze theme in, and delve into the craft of, popular fiction. It’s organized by class, because I studied this epic narrative shit in grad school, where I wrote most of the original work. So… yes, I’m posting my homework. I love it, and I can’t be stopped.

The Goss.” Sign up there if you want an eccentric aunt/sister who occasionally emails you weird facts about fiction, creepy history, and unsettling myths. It’s kind of like a care package because it’s the closest I get to sending fresh-baked cookies to people who aren’t me. Besides, forewarned is forearmed, and who else is preparing you for the un-, super-, and preternatural? School? Please. They barely even teach sex ed. Stay protected, kids. In every way.

Write to Me.” Self-explanatory. This is for people who want my contacts for cheap bulk holy water. Listen, find your own. Supplies are limited.

Explanation time is over. Buckle up. It’s time to raise some shades, rattle anathema, and experience ill-advised desires re: Byronic antiheroes. And maybe build a blanket fort!

But seriously, shit’s about to get weird.


Oh. I’ve been informed by the rational voice that sometimes breaks into my inner monologue that you might be saying, “Who is this person?” Keep scrolling, darlin'. You’re almost there.

About the Author:

You’ve taken a wrong turn and reached the website of writer and professional eccentric Vivian Walker Ward. To the left, please see an image of Miss Ward. She wanted a Cary Grant gif, but she doesn’t have the rights to any of them. She owns her face, that jacket, and little else beyond her grimly fantastic imaginings.

Miss Ward is attending a Master’s program to study the writing and publishing of genre fiction. In school, she works on manuscripts that fuse Gothic and speculative narratives, deepens her knowledge of writing craft, and analyzes modern and classic popular works. She’s good at it. You want proof? That’s fair. Check out the “Articles” section. Her better angels tried to keep her from posting those. They failed. They often do.

During the day Miss Ward works as an office manager; at night, she studies; in her early morning fugue state, she stumbles to a small table, turns her back to the still-dark sky beyond her window, and writes.